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As part of National CPR and AED Week, the American Heart Association is partnering with the Richmond Ambulance Authority to spread awareness about how to respond to a heart emergency.

The week spans from June 1 through June 7 each year, during which organizations spread awareness about how lives can be saved by using CPR and AEDs.

According to the organization, about 70% of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests happen in homes. With this statistic in mind, the American Heart Association hopes to spread awareness and thus save lives.

The association further said that about nine out of ten people who have a cardiac arrest outside of a hospital die, and only in 50% of those instances does someone step in and provide CPR.

In the event of someone collapsing, the experts say the first step should be calling 911 or designating a specific person nearby to call 911, followed by checking to see if the person is unresponsive.

If the person is not responsive to loud noises, you should find the center of their chest, interlace your fingers, lock your arms and perform compressions at around 100 to 120 beats per minute until a responder is able to help.

In addition to CPR, other bystanders should ensure they know where an AED is located in case one is needed.

To find a CPR and AED class nearby and help save lives, visit the American Heart Association’s website.