August 6, 2018
Our Summer interns from Partnership for the Future recently completed their final projects at the Richmond Ambulance Authority. Our interns worked in a variety of departments including Finance, Human Resources, Clinical and Operations.
Partnership for the Future helps motivated high school students transition from high school to college and eventually employment so they can become successful, contributing members of our community. Students must go through a rigorous selection process and maintain high grades, while completing community service during their time in the program.

The Richmond Ambulance Authority is thankful to have a partnership with a program that cultivates and pushes students to become their best. For their final projects each intern was asked to create a program that would leave a positive footprint in the city. We’re hopeful the brilliant ideas presented to us come to fruition one day.

We have no doubt that Kyana Jones, Brianna Bugg, Teliza Bracey, and Mattea Anderson have bright futures ahead of them. We’re happy RAA was able to be a part of their journey.